

锦江乐园位于虹梅路 201 号。是改革开放后上海引进国外游乐设施建造的第一家大型游乐园,建成于 1985 年初,隶属锦江国际集团,锦江乐园功能齐全,环境宜人。园区总面积 11 万平方米, 30 余个大中型游乐项目和餐厅、茶室、咖啡室,休闲屋坐落其中。绿林、翠园、欢乐岛、环岛河、欧洲风情桥……别具匠心的绿化景观,建筑小品和现代化风格的游乐设施互为衬托,相映成趣。为满足中外游客日益增长的文化娱乐,健身与休闲要求,近年来,乐园又先后引进了国际先进、国内第一的“巨型摩天轮”、“欢乐世界”、“峡谷漂流”、“探空飞梭”、“双层豪华转马”、“自旋滑车”等大型游乐项目,这些新项目的引进使锦江乐园达到了“艺术造型一流、现代科技含量一流、文化品位一流、惊险刺激一流”的高水准的公共游乐园。



Located at No. 201, Hongmei Road , and equipped with imported amusement facilities, Jinjiang Amusement Park , under Jinjiang International Group, is the first large amusement park ever built in Shanghai by the introduction of foreign amusement facilities since the start of China 's reform and opening-up. Its construction was completed in the beginning of 1985. The park, covering a total area of 110,000 m2 , boasts a pleasant environment and multi-functions. It offers over 30 different sets of large and medium amusement facilities, and restaurants, tea houses, cafes and lounges. Green Woods, Green Garden , Happy Isle, the river surrounding the isle and the bridge of European style……, all those unique landscapings and architectures and modern amusement facilities complement to each other and constitute a spectacular picture. To meet the needs of cultural amusement, fitness and leisure of domestic and foreign tourists, Jinjiang Amusement Park, in recent years, has successively introduced large amusement facilities like “Huge Wheel”, “Joy Land”, “Canyon Raft Ride”, “Space Shot”, “Layered Merry-go-around” and “Spinning Coaster”, which are world advanced and first ever in China, thus making Jinjiang Amusement Park a high standard public amusement Park for its “first-rate artistic model, state-of-the-art technology, superior cultural elegance and extreme thrill and excitement”.


Apart from its core business of amusement programs, Jinjiang Amusement Park also engages in commerce and trade and runs some passenger transport service companies covering neighbouring provinces and cities and Jinle Travel Agency Co., Ltd.


Jinjiang Amusement Park has been appraised as a model unit in the amusement industry of China , Civilized Unit of Shanghai and Best Amusement Park of China Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions for continuous years.


Transportation: Jinjiang Amusement Park Station is accessible by No.1 Metro Line

公交: 50 、 218 、 703 、 704 、 712 、 122 、 755 、 725 、 735

by Buses: Lines 50, 218, 703, 704, 712, 122, 755, 725 and 735


by Highways: Humin Road Elevated Road, Huhangyong Expressway, Huning Expressway and Huhang Railway

电话: 54200844 (直线) 54204956*314 或 311

Phone: 54200844 (direct), 54204956*314 or 311

传真: 54200844

Fax: 54200844

地址:上海市虹梅路 201 号 邮编: 201102

Address: No. 201, Hongmei Road , Shanghai 201102

网址: www.jjlysh.com

Website: www.jjlysh.com

邮箱: jjlysh@126.com

Email: jjlysh@126.com
